Send in the Clowns – Planning the Perfect Clown Themed Toddler Party
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Planning a Clown Theme Party for toddlers is a lot of fun. To start with, send out clown covered invitations that say something like “Come clown around for Stephen’s 5th Birthday!” One good thing about clown theme parties is that they appeal to both boys and girls. There is no reason to not invite friends of each to the party as they will all be able to share in the fun.
As the clown leader you can dress up in the goofiest clown costume you can find with lots of bright colored clothes, big los angeles dodgers sweatshirt and a fun wig of some sort. Options to do with the children include giving them each a clown nose, or painting their faces with either clown faces or other designs. Take a picture of each of them that you can print out as a souvenir of the fun activities of the day.
Games can include a bean bag throw through the Clowns Mouth. Paint a huge clown with a great big open smile on a big piece of cardboard and have kids throw a bean bag at it to get it through his mouth. Pin the nose on the clown is a great take off from pin the tail on the donkey. You may wish to pick up a wide variety of wigs, los angeles dodgers sweatshirt , gloves, and even clown collars and put them in a great big trunk to allow the kids to pick their own clown costumes as part of the activities of the day. You can tell them they have came to clown camp and then go from dress up into a game of Simon says – so that they can learn “as clowns” to follow directions. The more involved they feel as clowns, the more fun they will have.
Be sure to check with your favorite on-line party supplier for great Clown Theme party accessories, decorations, and favors. With the right activities, the right decorations, and a great party photograph souvenir to take home, this will be a fun party that the children will remember for years!
write by Jethro